Cultural Visits and Sports Activities

Km from Campagnano
Km from Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km from Suite De Luxe n° 54
Martignano lake
Lake Bracciano
Bracciano, Anguillara and Trevignano
The waterfalls and the path of Monte Gelato
The Treja valley
The village of Sutri
Caprarola with its Palazzo Farnese
The Valle del Sorbo with its Sanctuary of the Madonna del Sorbo
Cathedral of Campagnano – St. John the Baptist (11th century)
Vallelunga Autodrome
Golf Club Terre dei Consoli
Martignano lake
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
Lake Bracciano
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
Bracciano, Anguillara and Trevignano
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
The waterfalls and the path of Monte Gelato
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
The Treja valley
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
The village of Sutri
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
Caprarola with its Palazzo Farnese
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
The Valle del Sorbo with its Sanctuary of the Madonna del Sorbo
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
Cathedral of Campagnano – St. John the Baptist (11th century)
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
Vallelunga Autodrome
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
Glof Club Terre dei Consoli
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54
Km da Campagnano
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 38
Km da Suite De Luxe n° 54

Martignano lake

Activities in Martignano

Nature Reserve + _

It is an absolutely uncontaminated nature reserve protected by the strict provisions of the 2 lakes Natural Park. It is a must for lovers of trekking and canoeing. There are no roads on the lake and it can be reached by leaving the car in the parking lot on the Anguillara plateau less than a kilometer from the lake at a cost of 4 euros for the whole day, a free shuttle is available for those who wish. The lidos rent umbrellas and sunbeds but also pedal boats, canoes and sailboats. No motor boats are allowed in the lake and no sewage flows into it; the water is therefore absolutely clear and pure. On the beach of the lake several kiosks with drinks and music and, at the end of the beach, a kiosk, called Lucignolo, with all sorts of healthy dishes and grilled meat.

Lake Bracciano

Lake Bracciano

Activities in Bracciano + _

Its large size, over 55 square km, makes it one of the largest lakes in Lazio and in Italy. This destination, a few kilometers from Rome, could be ideal for having some fun. Three towns, two on the side, have overlooked this lake for centuries southern bank and one on the northern one and are respectively: Bracciano, Anguillara Sabazia and Trevignano Romano. In ancient times this lake had another name and was called Sabatino, precisely because of the Sabatini Mountains which border it and which also gave part of their name to the city of Anguillara. The lake is also one of the deepest in Italy - in Lazio it is second only to that of Albano - and inside it live numerous species of fish, which have proliferated in recent years thanks also to the establishment of the Bracciano - Martignano Regional Park.

Bracciano, Anguillara and Trevignano

Activities a Bracciano, Anguillara and Trevignano

Lake Bracciano + _

Its large size, over 55 square km, makes it one of the largest lakes in the Lazio and Italy. This destination, a few km from Rome, could be ideal for have some fun. Three towns, two on the side, have overlooked this lake for centuries southern shore and one on the northern one and are respectively: Bracciano, Anguillara Sabazia and Trevignano Romano. Formerly this lake had another name and was called sabatino, precisely for the Sabatini Mountains that border and which also gave part of the name to the city of Anguillara. The lake is also one of the deepest in Italy – in Lazio it is second only to that of Albano – and many species of fish live inside it, which in recent years have proliferated thanks also to the establishment of the Bracciano Regional Park – Martignano.

The three cities of the lake, what not to miss: + _

Obviously, starting from the city that gives its name to the lake, it cannot be ignored from going to see the Orsini Odescalchi Castle, perfectly preserved e dating back to 1200. This fortress dominates the lake, on which you have a splendid view and today it is also famous for the public and private ceremonies that can be held perform within it. The medieval village of Anguillara Sabazia, on the other hand, is famous for its appearance medieval very well preserved and for having been the set of numerous films. This municipality is also famous because it was found within its territory a very well preserved village dating back as far as 5700 BC. C. at the time neolithic! Finally Trevignano Romano, also dominated by the ruins of an ancient fortress of the Orsini and which still retains the appearance of an ancient medieval fishing village.

The nature around the lake + _

For those who instead want to experience the luxuriant nature all around the lake, in this area there are various parks that protect truly extraordinary and unique corners.

The Treja valley

Activities on the Treja Valley

The Treja valley + _

The Treja is a modest stream that rises from the Sabatini mountains to flow into the Tiber at the height of Civita Castellana. There are about 30 km of route in which it crosses largely cultivated countryside, but the waters over time have created a world that is still wild: it is that of the gorges, dug into the soft tuffs of the ancient volcano of Sabatino.

History + _

Established with L.R. 22 September 1982, no. 43 (B.U.R. 9 October 1982, n. 28), the protected area extends over 628 hectares in the territory of the Municipalities of Calcata and Mazzano Romano. The woods are the most represented environment, a green ribbon that winds through the surrounding countryside following the watercourse. The boundaries of the park generally include the riparian strips up to a few hundred meters deep inland, taking more breath in the central sector to embrace the heights of Pizzopiede and Monte Li Santi just south of Calcata. Here two torrents flow into the Treja river, the Mola ditch and the Selva ditch, which sometimes flow between gorges with vertical walls. The historical centers of Calcata and Mazzano Romano are the first historical-artistic emergencies of the park, but there are numerous archaeological testimonies including those linked to the ancient settlement of Narce. As for biodiversity, the flora and fauna present are also very respectable and include even rare species, which find refuge and tranquility in the environments of the park.

The waterfalls and the path of Monte Gelato

Activities at the waterfalls


The complex of Monte Gelato, with the medieval tower, the ancient water mill, the waterfalls along the Treja river, one of the best-known places in the Treja Valley Park. Frequented by man since prehistoric times (then Etruscan and Roman), the site retains traces of the multiple settlements that followed one another over time: from the remains of a Roman villa from the 1st century, to the agricultural settlement from the 7th century after Christ, to the water mill built in the 19th century and which remained active until the 1960s. Particularly loved by cinema and advertising screenwriters, it is a natural and privileged gateway to the Treja Valley Park. The combined effect of the frozen water that flows rapidly between the stones and the thick eaves of the trees to cover the sky, guarantees a walk in the cool even on the hottest days of summer.


L’antico borgo di Nepi

The ancient village of Nepi + _

The ancient village of Nepi stands on a tufaceous promontory naturally protected by two deep gullies. The city shows its connection with water right from the name; this would in fact derive from the Etruscan word Nepa, which means water, this element is one of the major treasures of the town, famous throughout the world for ACQUA DI NEPI, the effervescent mineral that brings the his name. A town rich in history, it is striking for the imposing appearance of the Farnese walls that surround it. According to legend it was founded 458 before Rome by Termo Larte. The Renaissance was a glorious era for the city at the center of the struggles between the Borgia, Della Rovere and Farnese families.

What to see: + _

The Rocca dei Borgia where Lucrezia Borgia lived. Roman Aqueduct, the Cathedral of Nepi, the Town Hall, and the Catacomb of Santa Savinilla. Civic Museum Via Xlll Settembre, 1 Nepi. The town is also renowned for its tasty culinary specialities, the well-known Pecorino Romano Dop and cooked salami.

The village of Sutri

Sutri e il suo territorio rappresentano una delle mete più straordinarie della Tuscia sotto il profilo archeologico ed ambientale

The historical centre + _

The religious buildings that we can admire in the historic center are interesting and of a certain artistic value. Among these stands out the Church of Santa Maria Assunta dating back to the XII century and consecrated by Pope Innocent III in 1207.
Then we have the Church of San Francesco founded by the saint of Assisi in 1222, that of San Silvestro in Romanesque style and San Sebastiano built before the XIII century.
We can admire other artistic beauties by visiting the Church of San Rocco, the church of the Santissima Concezione from the 16th century, the church of Santa Maria del Tempio and the church of the Madonna del Parto.
The evocative Roman Amphitheater of Sutri is of great archaeological interest. A wonderful monument, this one, from the Roman era dating back to between the end of the 2nd century and the 1st century.

Museums: + _

- Palazzo Doebbing Museum in Piazza del Duomo
- Patrimonium Museum in Via Di Porta Vecchia ,79.

The mysterious origins of Sutri: the legend of Saturn + _

The mysterious origins of Sutri: the legend of Saturn According to an ancient legend, the first king of the Italian peninsula was the God Saturn, father of all the gods and of the mythical Pelasgians, who settled in central Italy and founded the most ancient. Hence the tradition of Sutri wants it too to have been founded by Saturn. The god on horseback still appears in the Sutrine coat of arms with a bundle of golden ears of corn in his hand which symbolize the fertility of these lands. 20 km from Campagnano di Roma.

The Sorbo Valley

with the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Sorbo


The Valle del Sorbo, a unique heritage in the world, is located within the Vejo Park between the municipalities of Campagnano and Formello. It develops in a valley that hosts large pastures, surrounded by mixed oak woods and is recognized as a site of European Community Importance due to the presence of the characteristic tuffaceous valleys crossed by streams and which are home to a vast fauna. Along the hillsides it is characterized by a vegetation typical of cool and humid environments.


The Sanctuary is located in the center of the Sorbo Park, on the top of a cliff, along the route of the ancient Via Francigena, making it a very special place. It was inhabited since the Middle Ages and the first records date back to 966 and it was owned before Monastery of San Paolo then of the Roman noble family of the Orsini. The Marian cult was reinvigorated by the story of the apparition of the Virgin Mary, inside the sanctuary an icon is venerated, called Madonna del Sorbo, which is considered miraculous. The sanctuary consists of a monastery and the church.

Caprarola with its Palazzo Farnese

Activities in Caprarola

We are in Caprarola in the province of Viterbo in Lazio + _

Here stands the Palazzo Farnese (or Villa Farnese), one of the most important and intriguing late Renaissance residences in Europe. It was built for the Farnese family, an illustrious work begun by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, Baldassare Peruzzi but finished by Jacopo Barozzi, known as Vignola The monumental complex, which can be visited regularly since 1973, is today entrusted to the care and management of the Lazio Regional Museums Directorate.

Addresses + _

Farnese Palace
Farnese Square, 1
01032 Caprarola (Vt)


Calcata in history

Calcata + _

Heart of the Agro Falisco, the scenery offered by the Treja Valley, especially where the village of Calcata stands, is considered one of the most enchanting landscapes in Lazio. The small medieval village stands on a spur jutting out into the void.

The pre-Roman period: + _

The origins of Calcata, whose very toponym remains an enigma, a civilization culturally similar but not comparable to the Etruscan and perhaps even more ancient. This spread throughout the Tuscia Tiberina starting from the eighth century BC. C.. Innumerable remains scattered around Calcata remain as evidence of this dark period. The name of Calcata, however, appears for the first time much later, in a document dated 772-795, under the pontificate of Hadrian I. However, the ruins of various probably early medieval settlements are visible, such as that of Santa Maria, the whose cut-off tower stands on an eminence of the rocky walls that close the Treja. Later, in the thirteenth century, Calcata entered the orbit of the noble Anguillara family. These erected a castle and the walls but, given the impervious and hidden position, it always remained on the margins of historical events.

From abandonment to rebirth: + _

After a very long solitude, from the 1930s the town began to depopulate due to the frequent collapses of the fragile tufa rock. In the meantime, however, the inhabitants of Calcata moved about 2 km away, building a small modern center (Calcata Nuova). Now completely abandoned and exposed to land subsidence, Calcata was then called the "dying village". A name, this, which at the same time was given to the more famous Civita di Bagnoregio. However, thanks to its decadent and surreal charm, the ghost town gradually began to be repopulated by artists, craftsmen and intellectuals starting from the 1960s.

What to see: + _

The Anguillara Castle, with its characteristic Ghibelline tower and the seventeenth-century Church of SS. Name of Jesus.

Opera Bosco Museum

Phone. +39 0761.58.80.48

Cathedral of Campagnano

Activities in Campagnano

History of Campagnano of Rome + _

Campagnano, located about 30 kilometers north of Rome, squeezed between the Vejo Natural Park and the countryside of Tuscia, is an ancient village. The first settlements date back to the Bronze Age (1500 BC) with successive Etruscan, Roman, then archaeological and architectural stratifications high medieval and renaissance. The village, 270 meters above sea level, is still absolutely surrounded by nature uncontaminated, very rich in wild flora and fauna, even rare, and protected by the Parco di Vejo e from the 2 Lakes Nature Reserve. Rich in history already preceding the Roman domination, it still shows well preserved archaeological finds from the Imperial age thermal area. From the Middle Ages onwards it was a stop on the Via Francigena and a fiefdom of the noble Roman family of the Orsini to then pass, in the late Renaissance, to the Chigi. The historic center houses numerous buildings and monuments, both civil and religious, from the Middle Ages and Renaissance, as well as a delightful and intact medieval village.

What to do and see in Campagnano di Roma + _

The Porta Romana constitutes the access to the historic center crossed by Corso Vittorio Emanuele (ex Borgo Paolino), baptized on the left by Palazzo Venturi currently the seat of the Municipal Library and the Permanent Cultural Centre. Shortly after, Piazza Cesare opens up Leonelli identified by the Palazzo Municipale, built at the end of the 19th century in Gothic style. Vallelunga racetrack “Piero Taruffi” - Via del Pavone Church of the Gonfalone with annexed clock tower attributable to 1864 - Piazza Cesare Leonelli Fontana Secca - Piazza Fontana Secca Fountain of the Dolphins , created by Vignola in Baroque style - Piazza Cesare Leonelli Collegiate Church of San Giovanni Battista Decollato dating back to 1515. The Baroque bell tower is instead from 1602 and is truly majestic - Via di San Giovanni MAP Pilgrim Archaeological Museum - Piazza Regina Elena, 15

The Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Sorbo (11th century) is located 5 km from the town. + _

The Valli del Sorbo, one of the most spectacular uncontaminated places in the province of Rome The European Community wanted to include in the list of SCI, Site of Community Interest. Via Francigena di Sigerico pilgrimage route which ends in Rome passing first from Campagnano.

Community life is full of traditional and folkloristic occasions: + _

The patron saint of the city, San Giovanni, is celebrated on August 29 together with San Celestino with concerts, performances by street artists, horse races, folkloristic and artistic events, fireworks displays. The "Festa del Bacchanal" on the first Sunday of May with tasting of typical products (artichokes between grilled grapevines, sausages, cheeses and wine) and with the donkey race, in which they participate eight districts. Sant'Antonio, on January 17 with blessing of the animals, popular games between the districts and "pile junk". Carnival: parades of floats and "Death of Carnival". Last Saturday of May, Castello '85: celebration in the historic centre, food stands and dancing in the square. Moreover, every last Sunday of the month one of the most comes to life in the streets of the historic centre important craft and antiques markets in central Italy: "Le Bancarelle di Campagnano", with over 280 exhibitors.

Golf Club Terre dei Consoli

Terre dei Consoli Golf Club

Where is Terre dei Consoli? + _

Golf Club Terre dei Consoli

Address: Via Terre dei consoli, 1 - 01030 Monterosi VT

Phone: 0761 699888


Activities in Vulci

Vulci + _

An area extremely rich in history. Vulci is an ancient Etruscan city between the municipalities of Montalto di Castro and Canino, in upper Tuscia, a short distance from the Tyrrhenian Sea.
The Vulci Archaeological Naturalistic Park is an example of the perfect fusion between natural element and archaeology.
Inside the Park, in flat and uncontaminated terrain, it is possible admire the archaeological excavations of the ancient city and the beautiful Etruscan tombs, among including the François Tomb, the Tomb of the Inscriptions and the Tumulus of Cuccumella. It is possible to discover all the wonders of the Park, its colours, its vegetation and the history of past millennia.
Not far from the Park stands the Castello dell'Abbadia which houses the Museum National Archaeological Museum in which numerous finds are exhibited found in the numerous excavation campaigns in the Vulci area.
From here, and in particular from the ancient Ponte dell'Abbadia, also called Ponte del Hell, you get a fabulous view of all the surrounding land, marked from the passage of the Fiora river, which has carved the rock over the centuries volcanic typical of Tuscia and gave life to the canyon that can be seen right at the below the bridge.
Distance in kilometers from Campagnano di Roma RM - Montalto of CastroVT 95.5km


“The dying city”


About 70 km from Campagnano in the heart of the Valle dei Calanchi rises Civita di Bagnoregio, an unusual village clinging to the top of a tuffaceous hill. Not surprising its nickname, the "dying city": the erosion of the tuff makes the future of the village uncertain and puts it at the mercy of atmospheric phenomena.
It is a unique village that contains 2500 years of history; founded by the Etruscans then went through various dominations in the Middle Ages and then enriched itself further in the Renaissance.
Civita di Bagnoregio is a very particular village and as such it can only have one street of unusual access is connected to the mainland only by a long bridge of 300 meters passable only on foot.

What see: + _

The Belvedere, the village, Porta di San Maria, Grotta di San Bonaventura, the Geological Museum and the Frane, inside Palazzo Alemanni.
Piazza San Donato overlooked by one of the most important churches of Tuscia Viterbese, the origins of the homonymous Romanesque church of San Donato date back to the fifth century, here they are kept really interesting works such as the splendid wooden Crucifix from the school of Donatello, and a fresco from the school of Perugino.
Geppetto's house:
It is an old oil mill, but the "Casa di Geppetto" is clearly marked at the entrance. IS right in there in fact that the scenes of the film Pinocchio were filmed in 2008. Now it is become a museum house, where inside you can admire old tools and remember the most famous scenes of fiction.
During the Christmas holidays, the village hosts a real living nativity scene with over 50 figures in period costume, in the spring-summer, a large number of cultural, theatrical, folklore and gastronomy.

Vallelunga Autodrome

Vallelunga Autodrome


In the territory of Campagnano there is also the famous Autodromo di Vallelunga circuit automotive and motorcycle; born in 1951, the track has been the property of the Automobile since 1967 Club of Italy. It has been homologated for Formula 1 since 2004 and is used as a test track by many international teams Ferrari, Williams F1, Toyota F1 Team and BAR-Honda. In winter, different categories such as WTCC, Le Mans Series, FIA GT and Formula. The circuit hosts the “6 Hours of Vallelunga” endurance event every year. Also available is a 1,200-metre track, intended for the activities of the Federal Rally School and one track for SUVs. Adjacent to the track is the ACI-SARA Safe Driving Center with courses for cars, motorcycles, trucks, caravans and campers. Take advantage of simulation systems with walls of water, surfaces with adherence differentiated and hydraulic systems to cause skidding of any type of vehicle.


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